October 23, 2019
SunShare Increasing Solar Power Benefits and Access to Hispanic Communities
SunShare is a leading provider of equitable access to solar energy, building and operating community solar gardens that provide community residents the option to choose renewable energy. Through easy and cost-effective options as well as Spanish language customer service operators, SunShare is increasing access to traditionally underserved Hispanic communities.
While current trends indicate that the Hispanic community is one of the fastest-growing segments of the home-buying population, as noted by a National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals' (NAHREP) 2018 report, communities of color remain disproportionately low adopters of renewable energy options like rooftop solar. And even with higher homeownership rates, only 20 – 25% of rooftops are suitable for solar, severely limiting the opportunity for the vast majority of the Hispanic population to participate in renewable energy.
Access is everything
Similar to the challenges for many communities in the midst of “food deserts,” without access to local renewable energy sources, residents can be limited in their freedom to choose clean energy. Local community solar gardens can be the solution to this barrier of access allowing all residents regardless of location and home ownership to choose solar.
Joining a SunShare Community Solar Garden
Community solar gardens are a convenient and affordable solution to the challenges of rooftop solar and may offer options to the underserved Hispanic communities in Colorado and Minnesota. Without rooftop solar panel installation requirements, consumers can simply subscribe to SunShare Community Solar and easily participate in the production of clean, renewable energy.
Cost effective
By providing access to community solar gardens, SunShare offers renters, condo owners and homeowners a cost-effective alternative that does not require the substantial up-front costs that rooftop solar often entails.
- No upfront costs for solar panels or installation
- A low-cost and low-risk option for participating in renewable energy
Breaking barriers for underserved consumers
While there may be many reasons for lower participation in green energy options within the Hispanic community, some of the benefits of community solar can help change those disparities.
- No homeownership requirements
- Easy enrollment process
- Spanish language customer service operators available at SunShare
- Communities with a high-density of Hispanic populations may be eligible for SunShare Community Solar Gardens
Traditions of close community ties
With cultural traditions of strong community ties, Hispanic populations are valuable participants in the community solar movement and can make dramatic impacts on the renewable energy industry and positive changes toward clean energy consumption. Hispanic community leaders can help their constituencies by raising awareness of the benefits of community solar and increasing the participation of this population.