Save our renewable energy future by telling the Public Utilities Commission that access to community solar is vital to Colorado’s climate and economy!
What is at risk?
The Public Utilities Commission last year drafted rules that would increase the state's community solar program to 3% of each utility's energy, allowing an additional 100,000 households to participate in renewable energy, and generating nearly $1 billion in infrastructure investment for the state. Yet in a July 9th ruling, the PUC did not include the 3% goal that would open access to up to 100,000 homes. This would likely delay that expansion until 2022 at the earliest, and mean that subscribers who want to choose their community solar partner will continue to be required to relinquish their Renewable Energy Credits to the monopoly utility.
How can I help?
Please sign the petition below, to tell the commission that you support immediately expanding access to renewable energy for 100,000 households, and allowing community solar subscribers to determine how and by whom their Renewable Energy Credits are used.
By completing the below form, I indicate that:
I believe that community solar is vital to the achievement of Governor Polis's goal of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2030, and that we need to start immediately. I respectfully request that the Colorado Public Utilities Commission reconsider its July 9th decision, and implement a standard offer community solar program at 3% of regulated utilities' total electricity, allowing subscribers to choose whether they keep the Renewable Energy Credits earned by their subscriptions.